Sunday, March 22, 2009

Creating Context for Technology...

Love this article! It's a news piece published in the most recent [57(2), March-April 2009, 116-118] Nursing Outllook written by Dr. Kathy Malloch, "Creating context for technology: new realities for structure, media, space, and time." In the article, Dr. Malloch states:

"The very nature of health care and the ways in which health care services are organized, packaged, delivered, and evaluated have been forever changed by the technology advances in clinical care, teaching, documentation, and data storage. Specifically, changes have occurred in four areas: the availability and sharing of information; the media used for knowledge transfer; the range and types of relationships between and among providers, educators, students, and patients; and the time required to transfer and share information. These changes are driving the creation of new structures to support this evolving work."

Reading the article and pondering what medical libraries and librarians can take to meet the needs from the health care changes?

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